• Surrey Jamia Mosque Al Mustafa
  • Mon - Sun 13:00 - 23:00
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Announcement: * RIC urgently needs Your help to EXPAND and EXTEND the masjid area to SERVICE the many people who pray here EVERY SINGLE DAY.**Please continue to pay your Friday donation! * Give £5 each Thank you** . جزاك اللهُ خيرً**
Announcement: * RIC urgently needs Your help to EXPAND and EXTEND the masjid area to SERVICE the many people who pray here EVERY SINGLE DAY.**Please continue to pay your Friday donation! * Give £5 each Thank you** . جزاك اللهُ خيرً**

Help Your Mosque

Help us to continue providing service

The Redhill Islamic Centre Trust would like to thank everyone for their incredible financial support. We need to urgent help with mosque collection due to Coronavirus Pandemic the mosque are shut please continue to make donation Alhumdulillah!

However, our efforts do not end here, we need to continue our Sadaqah, to make the House of Allah (swt)!  The Redhill Islamic Centre Trust play a significant role in serving the communities of Surrey and beyond, through education, advice services, interfaith dialogue, and social enterprise. This has been possible by the Grace of Allah, Who has blessed us with your generous support.

The Redhill Islamic Centre Trust now provides
  • Prayer space for over 7000 worshipers
  • A permanent visitor centre for non-Muslims
  • Education and religious learning
  • Health and fitness facilities for men and women
  • Improved funeral service
  • Projects and services for the benefit of the community

Now more than ever, we need your duas and your financial support. We humbly ask you to come together as an ummah and donate generously to support the Masjid so that we can ensure that we are still standing strong and in a position to continue making a positive impact as we have been doing.

Donate to your Masjid, commit to 67p a day (£20 monthly) and support your community in one of the worst disasters of a generation. Our income stream has drastically reduced and we need you to support us online InshaAllah

Our Donors:

  1. Bushra Aslam

    Worthing, GB
  2. Bushra Aslam

    West Sussex, GB
  3. Bushra Aslam

    Worthing, GB
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