• Surrey Jamia Mosque Al Mustafa
  • Mon - Sun 13:00 - 23:00
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Announcement: * RIC urgently needs Your help to EXPAND and EXTEND the masjid area to SERVICE the many people who pray here EVERY SINGLE DAY.**Please continue to pay your Friday donation! * Give £5 each Thank you** . جزاك اللهُ خيرً**
Announcement: * RIC urgently needs Your help to EXPAND and EXTEND the masjid area to SERVICE the many people who pray here EVERY SINGLE DAY.**Please continue to pay your Friday donation! * Give £5 each Thank you** . جزاك اللهُ خيرً**

Mohammad Arif

Mohammad Arif

Board of Trustee
Contact Details
  • 07877856205
  • info@surreymosque.com
  • 30 Earlswood Road Redhill Surrey RH1 6LW
  • http://redhillmosque.co.uk/
Roles & Responsibilities
  • Set & Maintain Vision
  • Develop Strategy
  • Establish & Monitor Policies
  • Ensure Accountability
  • Promote the Organisation
Board of Trustee

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the charity, developing the organisation’s aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the governing document, legal and regulatory guidelines. and trust in the charity.

  •  Maintaining an awareness of the business
  •  Taking responsibility for own learning and development
  •  Regularly attending and taking a full part in meetings
  •  Actively contributing to setting strategic direction
  •  Monitoring the financial position and ensuring that it operates within its means
    and that there are clear lines of accountability for financial management
  •  Acting in the best interests of the organisation at all times
  •  Maintaining confidentiality about any sensitive or confidential information
    received in the course of duties as a trustee

Surrey Mosque Copyright 2023 - All Rights Reserved

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