• Surrey Jamia Mosque Al Mustafa
  • Mon - Sun 13:00 - 23:00
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Announcement: * RIC urgently needs Your help to EXPAND and EXTEND the masjid area to SERVICE the many people who pray here EVERY SINGLE DAY.**Please continue to pay your Friday donation! * Give £5 each Thank you** . جزاك اللهُ خيرً**
Announcement: * RIC urgently needs Your help to EXPAND and EXTEND the masjid area to SERVICE the many people who pray here EVERY SINGLE DAY.**Please continue to pay your Friday donation! * Give £5 each Thank you** . جزاك اللهُ خيرً**



As-salaamu ‘Alykum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh

Alhamdulillah, we are very pleased to announce that Jamia Mosque Redhill will be opening from Fajr Prayer on Saturday 4th July.

Please note the Mosque is reopening in phases. In Phase 1, it will be open for Brothers for daily prayers and Jumah. The Mosque will not be open for Ladies and Children under 12 at this stage due to restricted capacity and we thank the ladies for their understanding.

Kindly note the following important guidelines for using the mosque:

  • The Mosque will be open 15 minutes before Salah time and will close soon after the Fard Prayers.
  • Attendees MUST bring their own prayer mat and their own mask.
  • Sunnah and Nafil prayers should be performed at home.
  • Wudu MUST be done at home. The Wudu area in the Mosque will be closed.
  • There will be a strict one way system in operation.
  • Shoes must be placed in bags and kept with the attendee at all times.
  • For Jumah prayer are only allowed 30 people.
  • For Jumah prayer there will be jamaat at 1.30.
  • We will need to take your name and telephone number if you are attending as this a requirement in order to help the Covid Test and Trace National Programme.
  • You MUST fully co-operate with all the volunteers who will be ensuring smooth running of the Prayers. Please note we are following the Government guidelines as closely as possible.
  • There should be NO socialising and NO congregating in the court yard after prayer.
  • You MUST NOT COME TO THE MOSQUE If you are unwell, or have symptoms of COVID-19, or if you are in a shielding group of the population.
  • YOU MUST Keep 2 meters apart inside the Masjid and during jamaat salah.
  • YOU MUST NOT consume food within premises.

RIC Managment offers its regret for the inconvenience due to coronavirus risk. In order for us to be successful in this process, it is crucial that we have a group of volunteers who will be able to act as stewards at Jumah prayers. Also the mosque has been cleaned and sanitised by a professional company.

We will in sha Allah be closely monitoring the situation day by day.
Jazakallah Khair. We thank you for your co-operation.


Surrey Mosque Copyright 2023 - All Rights Reserved

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